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Intha Elahi

Arabic Christian Song Praise Team Egypt

Kaulah Tuhanku

Harapanku memberi yang terbaik bagiMu
Namun tak cukup dibandingkan dengan kasih sayangMu
Dan jika ku harus memberi
kan kuberikan segenap hati dibawah kaki salibMu

Kaulah Tuhanku Kaulah Bapaku
Kekasih jiwaku harapanku
KumencintaMu rindu hadiratMu
Kau mengasihiku kumengasihiMu

Kupersembahkan seleruh hidupku kepadaMu
mengikutiMu dengan segenap hati dan jiwaku
Tuhan kumau melayaniMu dengan setia disepanjang hidupku
kurindukan sukacitaMu selalu ada di hatiku

You are my  God

I wish if i can give the whole world to my Lord
But that is not enough compare with your compassion
And if i could give You something as a gift
I have only my heart to offer at Your feet

,You are my God , You are my Father
You are my beloved and all my hope is in You
Lord i love You and I will live always in Your presence
You are the one who loved me , I love You too

Lord i obliged to give my life to You
I will follow You with all my heart and soul
Lord i serve You faithfully in all my days
I need the Your joy to come in  to my heart

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